Monday, June 21, 2010

Circle Lens For Cheap

I mentioned earlier that I bought all my lens from Christina. She sells GEO contact lens for $20 and does free shipping within the U.S. I need prescription lens, and I got them 2 weeks after the batch closed. International shipping is a flat rate of $5.

Sadly, contact cases do not come with your lens, but Christina sells them for $1 when you buy lens. She is always helpful and helped answer my questions when I was buying my first pair of lens.

Christina not only sells circle lens, but also sells BB cream (asian foundation and concealer all in one), shimmer sticks, jewelry, and more on her website.

This is the website:

If you buy from her, please mention that starkle referred you.

Thanks for being such lovely people,

Geo Nudy Brown (CH-624)

I should be going to sleep now, considering the time and knowing that I have to wake up at 6 tomorrow morning to go to New York.... It won't even be fun tomorrow. I'm going to see the dentist!!
Gee... Thanks Mom. Really loving you right now... >:P

Here is one review I've promised you:

Diameter: 14.0mm
Base Curve: 8.60mm
Water Content: 38%

Geo Anti-Fraud Sticker
Geo Nudy Brown

In one eye (looks creepy in my opinion...)

Natural Light when cloudy

Bright Light

With Flash

Enlargement: 9/10
Color: 9/10

The Geo Nudy Brown is also known as Nudy Quarter Brown. They are the same exact lens with the code CH-624.

Overall, I really like these lens and they are my current favorite. They enlarge my eyes and give a dolly look without making them too unnatural. They are not as enlarging as other lens because they don't have a black ring around the edge. The black ring is what gives the appearance of large eyes. My irises are on the smaller side, so I get that halo effect (the light brown ring). The nudy brown enlarges my eye without going overboard.

I love the color. They are a light shade of brown and I can wear these anywhere! If you look closely, you will notice that the nudy series has a speckled design on the part that covers that your iris. This is what defines the nudy series. I usually wear contact lens, and these are about the same comfort level, maybe even better, than what I usually wear. I can leave them on for 10-12 hours before I have to take them off.

For my usual contacts, I have a base curve of 8.8mm, but these lens seem to be doing just fine.

I wear these around the house, in the library, in town, while can do anything with these lens! Tomorrow will be another experience, and I'll tell you how these lens fared in New York's Chinatown and Times Square.

Feel free to leave your questions in the form of comments. It would also be nice if you could spread the word about this blog.

Thanks a bunch,

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Let's hope this works....

So this is my first time blogging and I am hoping this works...
I am officially a circle lens addict and will soon be doing a review on the Geo Nudy Browns (CH-624) and the Geo Angel Grey (CM-835).
I ordered them from girlie boutique, the best ever circle lens site. Christina is really nice and always replies to my questions. Shipping is free within the U.S. and really cheap for international customers. The price of lens is really cheap too. If you order from her, please say that starkle referred you and leave a comment saying that you did so.
I recently ordered the tri-color/world blue (CM-904) and the Jazz Brown (BC-102) and am waiting for them to arrive.

I will be posting pictures and doing a formal review of the Nudy Brown and the Angel Grey soon (hopefully tomorrow after I get back from New York), so bear with me... I can tell you that I really like the Nudy Brown. As for the Angel Grey....not so much...

Please keep in mind that I am trying my hardest to be helpful, so I hope you enjoy!

Thanks for being so great an audience!!!